Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Tuesday 9th June
Date due back: Monday 15th June
Unit task:
As next week is our final week of school, this is your final home learning for the school year. Write down some of your highlights from this year and include pictures.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 15th June. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a letter to next year’s Grade 2 teachers, Miss Melissa and Miss Debra, telling them all about yourself.
Maths task:
Complete the measurement worksheets.
Optional extra:
Last week both Grade 1 classes reached the top 10 in Europe on Mathletics. Please continue to earn points on Mathletics. You can also complete the rest of your Nelson books.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 1st June
Date due back: Monday 8th June
Unit task: Reflecting back on our unit of inquiry, can you write down 3 things that you have learnt about endangered animals.
Optional extra: Are there any things you are still wondering about? What would you still like to learn about endangered animals? Write down any questions you would like us to explore together in class.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Tuesday 9th June. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Can you login into Reading Eggs and start to explore Reading Eggspress. Visit the Comprehension Gym and see if you can complete some of the quizzes about the books you read online.
Maths task: Can you complete the number and place value worksheet.
Optional extra:
28 + 69
13 + 37
57 + 38
65 + 63
- 34
- 34
- 59
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Tuesday 26th May
Date due back: Monday 1st June
Unit task: Use some adjectives to describe the following habitats and endangered animals in a sentence - forest, wolf, jungle, tiger, mountain, panda, elephant, desert, ocean, whale, turtle. E.g. The angry tiger lived in the hot jungle.
Optional extra: Can you think of some form of ‘action’ that you could do to raise some awareness for your endangered animal. Maybe you could create a poster, an information leaflet or think of a way to save/raise money to help your animal and donate it to WWF.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 1st June. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a short story with any endangered animal as your main character. Remember to have a beginning (who - characters, where - setting, what, when), a middle (a problem) and an ending (solution). If your characters are talking, don’t forget to use your speech marks.
Maths task: Login into Mathletics and see if you can earn 1000 points. Make sure you also complete the Capacity/Volume tasks in your course.
Optional extra:
45 + 34 =
92 + 43 =
72 + 17 =
46 + 87 =
- 44
- 52
- 16
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 18th May
Date due back: Tuesday 26th May
Unit task: Decide on the endangered animal that you would like to write about in your final piece of story writing. Fill in the fact finder sheet to help you when we plan our story in class next week. You can use Go Wild, Google or some books to help you find your information.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Tuesday 26th May. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a short story with a Elephant as your main character. Remember to have a beginning (who - characters, where - setting, what, when), a middle (a problem) and an ending (solution). If your characters are talking, don’t forget to use your speech marks.
Maths task:
Have a look in your fridge and kitchen cupboards and see if you can find anything that measures its contents with mL or L. Write down what you find and its volume.
Optional extra:
22 + 37 =
62 + 23 =
83 + 26 =
62 + 48 =
- 23
- 25
- 28
- 19
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 11th May
Date due back: Monday 18th May
Unit task:
Complete the ‘Do you know me?’ worksheet.
Optional extra:
Write some ‘Do you know me?’ questions for some endangered animals that you know about.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 18th May. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a short story with a Wolf or Rhino as your main character. Remember to have a beginning (who - characters, where - setting, what, when), a middle (a problem) and an ending (solution). If your characters are talking, don’t forget to use your speech marks.
Maths task:
Can you solve all of the number problems on the addition and subtraction sheet. Remember to follow the 4 steps to find out the answer.
Optional extra: Using partitioning for addition and borrowing for subtraction, can you solve these number sentences. Write them out again in your book and then work out your answers.
42 + 34 =
65 + 33 =
73 + 46 =
64 + 77 =
- 43
- 35
- 39
- 28
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 4th May
Date due back: Monday 11th May
Unit task:
Find out the habitats for the following endangered animals - Giant Panda, Sea Turtle, Cheetah, Polar Bears, Orangutans.
Optional extra:
Choose an animal above and write down why it is endangered. You can do more than one if you like.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 11th May. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a short story with a Cheetah being your main character. Remember to have a beginning (who, where, what, when), a middle (a problem) and an end (solution).
Maths task:
Solve the following problems:
- Hanmin bought 12 apples and Hanen ate 7 of them. How many apples did Hanmin have left?
- Swara picked up 18 pieces of rubbish in the playground. Durga picked up 7 more. How many pieces of rubbish did they pick up altogether?
- Preksha had 9 dolls and told her friend Olivia she could play with some. Olivia chose 4 to play with. How many dolls did Preksha have left?
Optional extra:
Try and solve these more difficult addition problems. The first one is done for you.
13 + 27 = 40
10 + 20 = 30
3 +7 = 10
30 + 10 = 40
24 + 28 =
33 + 36 =
27 + 51 =
42 + 49 =
Grade 1 Home Learning 
Date: Monday 27th April
Date due back: Monday 4th May
Unit task: Go and visit the website, and research about some animals that are endangered.
Optional extra:
Write down something you enjoyed and/or learned from the website.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 4th May. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write a short story with a Panda being your main character. Remember to have a beginning (who, where, what, when), a middle (a problem) and an end (solution).
Maths task:
Solve the following problems:
- Mr Robert bought 7 apples and Miss Angie stole 3 of them! How many apples did Mr Robert have left?
- Vinuda picked up 8 pieces of rubbish in the playground. Noah picked up 4 more. How many pieces of rubbish did they pick up altogether?
- 2 girls were playing at the park and 6 others joined them. How many were playing at the park now?
Optional extra:
Write 3 of your own number story problems and challenge someone in your family to work them out. You must know the answer before you give it to your family member to solve.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 20th April
Date due back: Monday 27th April
Unit task:
Read and discuss the Welcome Letter.
Optional extra:
Write down what you think an endangered animal is. You could also give some examples.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 27th April. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Using your story book, write down what happens at the beginning, the middle and the end.
Maths task:
Fill in the missing operation symbol (+ or -)
5 __ 5 = 10
3 __ 8 = 11
15 __ 3 = 12
23 __ 5 = 18
12 __ 4 = 8
7 __ 12 = 19
18 __ 7 = 11
14 __ 6 = 20
35 __ 5 = 30
51 __ 14 = 37
Optional extra: Can you solve these number story problems?
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 13th April
Date due back: Monday 20th April
Unit task:
Reflecting back on our unit about Living Things, can you write three things that you have learnt and one thing that you are still wondering about.
Optional extra:
Go for a walk in your local area and write/draw the living things you see. You can even try and classify your list into groups.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 20th April. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Can you write a list of synonyms(words with the same meaning) and a list of antonyms (words that mean the opposite). For example: synonyms - big, large and antonyms - hot/cold.
Maths task:
Recently Asker International School have been reaching the top 30 classes in Europe for Mathletics. It would be great if Grade 1 could get into the top 10, so please login and work on the course that you have been set. Make sure you also try Live Mathletics.
Optional extra:
Using a ruler, can you draw 10 different lines of varying lengths. Then record the standard unit of measure (cm) for each line.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.______________________________________

Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Tuesday 7th April
Date due back: Monday 13th April
Unit task:
Write down the things that makes an animal a reptile. E.g. type of skin, blood temperature, where they are born, how they are born, etc.
Optional extra:
Write down a list of 10 or more different reptiles and then find out if they are herbivores (plant eaters) or carnivores (meat eaters).
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday 13th April. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Using one of your reading books, write about and draw your favourite part. Can you also find 5 words that you found tricky and use them in a sentence.
Maths task: Use a ruler to measure the following things in your house.
How many cm?
Project X reading book
A pillow/cushion
Washing Machine
Optional extra:
Login to your Mathletics account and continue to work through the course material. You can also try Live Mathletics for some fun and competitive number skill practice.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 23rd March
Date due back: Tuesday 7th April
Unit task: Draw 3 animals that fit into each of the following groups - Mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish.
Optional extra: Write some interesting facts about each of these groups.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Tuesday the 7th April. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
I (remember it is always a capital letter)
Optional extra: Create your own explanation poster about the life cycle of an animal of your choice. Remember to include:
- Title
- Introduction (including what animal group it belongs to and some information about that group)
- Flow chart clearly showing the life cycle (should include pictures and sentences)
- Conclusion (some interesting facts about the animal)
Maths task: Use your hand to measure the following objects in your house.
How many hands?
Project X reading book
| |
A pillow/cushion
| |
| |
Washing Machine
| |
Optional extra: Using a standard unit of measure (cm/m), can you measure and record how tall each member of your family is.
Please make sure that you read with
your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 16th March
Date due back: Monday 23rd March
Unit task: This week in school we are creating a explanation poster all about the life cycle of a butterfly. Can you draw the 4 stages of the butterfly life cycle and write a sentence for every stage to explain what is happening.
Optional extra: We are learning all about mammals this week, can you research this very large group of living things and write down any interesting facts that you find out.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 23rd of March. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra: Using either your Project X book or your story book, can you answer the following questions. What was your favourite part? Why did you like that part? Which character did you like the best and why? Did you like how the story ended? Can you make up and write a different ending for the story?
Maths task: Complete the Which is Heavier? sheet.
Optional extra: Can you go around your house and find some things that weigh less than 1 kilogram and more than 1 kilogram. Then draw and/or write them in the table below.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 9th March
Date due back: Monday 16th March
Unit task: Please can you bring into school next week a photo of yourself when you were a baby. You can ask your mum and dad to email it to Mr Brent and Miss Angie if you cannot print it. Do not stick them into your book because we will be using them in class during unit time.
Optional extra: We are learning all about insects and birds this week, can you research these groups of living things and write down any interesting facts that you find out.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 16th of March. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra: For our summative assessment task you will be creating your own explanation poster about a living thing, see if you can research and find any examples of this type of poster. What features do you notice they have?
Maths task: Complete the matching half-hour time sheet.
Optional extra: See if you can complete these time challenge cards.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 2nd March
Date due back: Monday 9th March
Unit task: Complete the Is It Living worksheet.
Optional extra: Choose a living thing that interests you and see if you can draw and write about its life cycle.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 9th of March. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra: We have now learnt lots of question words; how, why, when, where, what, and who, see if you can use these words to think of some questions about our new unit of inquiry and what you want to find out during our inquiry into living things.
Maths task:
Complete the odd and even subtraction sheet.
Optional extra:
Use the 100 square chart to count back in 10s from the following numbers.
Starting Number
| |
| ||||
| ||||
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Tuesday 24th February
Date due back: Monday 2nd March
Unit task:
Read the Welcome to the Unit letter and discuss with your parents.
Optional extra:
Living things move differently. Write down some living things that walk, some that fly and some that swim.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Tuesday the 24th of February. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Login to your Mathletics account and go onto Spellodrome. Try out the different games and activities to practise your spelling.
Maths task:
Use the 100 square chart to work out the following subtraction problems:
19 - 8 =
39 - 4 =
29 - 5 =
19 - 10 =
23 - 13 =
27 - 6 =
67 - 3 =
64 - 8 =
46 - 8 =
40 - 11 =
Optional extra:
Use the 100 square chart to count on in 10s from the following numbers.
Starting Number
| |
| ||||
| ||||
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 9th February
Date due back: Tuesday 24th February
Unit task: Can you reflect (think back about) our unit on Communities and write down 3 things that you have learnt during this unit and what your favourite learning activity was.
Optional extra: Keep a diary to share with the class what you did and where you went during the holiday. Try to include some of the places you visited in your community or maybe even a new community that you visited.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Tuesday the 24th of February. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra: Can you choose any person in the community that helps us and write your own information report about them. Remember an information report needs; a title, an introduction (who are you writing about), 3 interesting facts and a personal comment.
Maths task: Complete the Ice Cream for Sale Bar Graph and questions sheet.
Optional extra: Count the amount of chairs, beds and tables, white goods (refrigerator, dishing washer, etc) in your house and tally your results in the table below. Draw up a bar graph on a separate page to represent your information.
White goods
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 2nd February
Date due back: Monday 9th February
Unit task: What IB attitudes do you think it is important for teachers to have and why?
Optional extra: If you were in charge of our school, can you think about and write down 5 important rules that you think we should follow.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 9th of February. Write 8 golden sentences using these words.
Optional extra: Can you create and write a thank you card for the Fire Fighters that came in to visit us. Remember to include an appreciation and something you learnt from their visit.
Maths task: Complete the Favourite Animal tally chart and bar graph sheet.
Optional extra: Answer the following questions, using your bar graph to help you.
- What animal is the most favourite? __________________________
- What animal is the least favourite? __________________________
- Which animal was the second favourite? __________________________
- How many children were asked? __________________________
- Which animal received 5 votes? __________________________
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 26th January
Date due back: Monday 2nd February
Unit tasks:
Write an acrostic poem for Community.
Optional extra:
As requested by you, colour in the sheets given to you from the fire department. You can keep these home.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 2nd of February. Try and write some sentences using these words.
Optional extra:
Write an information report about one of your parents. Remember to include an introduction of who they are, three facts and a personal comment to finish. You can use the interview from previous homework to help you.
Maths task:
Complete the ‘Addition Cut and Stick Sorting’ activity.
Optional extra:
Complete the table below. Remember Tens are heavy and go low and Ones are light and go high.
12 + 36 =
14 + 15 =
23 + 18 =
25 + 31 =
19 + 11 =
24 + 19 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 19th January
Date due back: Monday 26th January
Unit tasks:
1.To help with writing your information book, research one of these people that help us within the community: Police, Fireman/lady, Doctor, or Teacher and fill in the sheet with the information that you find out.
2. Use Google Images to find some photographs that you could use in your information book about the person you have researched. Print these on one page but do not stick them in, we will use them in your book.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 26th of January. Try and write some sentences using these words.
Optional extra: Using your Project X Reading book, can you answer the questions at the back of the book. Write down your answers in your home learning book.
Maths task: Complete the money worksheet - remember to use your skip counting in 5’s to help you and write down your working out.
Optional extra: Go shopping with your parents and find out how much the following items cost: 1l of milk, 5 apples, a chocolate bar and some cheese. Can you add together all the items? What coins/notes would you need to use to pay for them?
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 12th January
Date due back: Monday 19th January
Unit task: Write and/or draw what you would like to be when you grow up.
Optional extra: Go for a walk with a family member in your local community and write down the different places that you see are human-made systems/people who help us.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 19th of January.
Optional extra: Interview your mum or dad to find out what job they do in the community. Write down your questions and their answers in your book. Some questions you could ask them are; What do you do at work? What do you like/not like about your job? Have you had any other jobs?
Maths task: Complete the money worksheet - remember to use your skip counting in 5’s to help you and write down your working out.
Optional extra: Login into your mathletics account and watch the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables songs.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 5th January
Date due back: Monday 12th January
Unit task: Read the Welcome to Unit letter with your parents and talk about what we’re going to be learning about at school.
Optional extra: Draw a building from your local community.
Literacy task:
Can you practise writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 12th of January.
Optional extra: Write down 3 or more facts about someone in your family, e.g. name, birth date, job, favourite food, favourite movie, etc.
Maths task: Complete the 100 square activity to practise your skip counting.
Optional extra: Add a new colour to your 100 square and count by 3’s.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 1st December
Date due back: Monday 8th December
Unit task: Complete your Celebration box. Remember you need to bring it into school next week on the 8th of December
Optional extra: Can you find out and write/draw 5 facts about the celebration Eid al-Fitr.
Literacy task:
Can you practising writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 8th of December.
See if you can also write them in a sentence.
Optional extra: Write an acrostic poem about your selected celebration for your Celebration box. Remember to use adjectives to describe it.
Maths task: Complete the worksheet identifying the 2D and 3D shapes. Try and say the name of the shape as you colour it in.
Optional extra: Go on a cuboid (rectangular prism) hunt at your house. Write down the different items/objects that you found.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Tuesday 25th November
Date due back: Monday 1st December
Unit task: Continue to research and work on your Celebration box. Remember you need to bring it into school on the 8th of December
Optional extra: Can you find out and write/draw 5 facts about the Hindu celebration Diwali.
Literacy task:
Can you practising writing the following words and learn them for our spelling test on Monday the 1st of December.
See if you can also write them in a sentence.
Optional extra: Can you write an acrostic poem about one of your friends or someone in your family. Remember to use adjectives to describe them.
Maths task: Go on a 2D shape hunt at home and fill in the tally chart to show how many shapes you found.
Optional extra: Using a ruler, can you draw the following 2D shapes; circle, square, rectangle, triangle and pentagon. Then label their properties (sides/corners).
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 17th November
Date due back: Tuesday 25th November
Unit task: Continue to work on your Celebration box.
Optional extra: How do you and your family celebrate birthdays in your home? Write and/or draw to let us know how you celebrate this personal event.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learnt last week. Can you read and write the words listed below.
ir - “Whirl and twirl”
first, bird, girl
air - “That’s not fair.”
chair, hair, stairs
Optional extra: Write an acrostic poem for the word ‘Winter’. Remember to use an adjective for each letter.
Maths task: Can you find all the number bonds to 20 in the number search sheet
Optional extra: Fill out the table below.
19 + 1 = 20
1 + 19 = 20
20 - 1 = 19
20 - 19 = 1
18 + ___ = 20
2 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 18
20 - ___ = 2
17 + ___ = 20
3 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 17
20 - ___ = 3
16 + ___ = 20
4 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 16
20 - ___ = 4
15 + ___ = 20
5 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 15
20 - ___ = 5
14 + ___ = 20
6 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 14
20 - ___ = 6
13 + ___ = 20
7 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 13
20 - ___ = 7
12 + ___ = 20
8 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 12
20 - ___ = 8
11 + ___ = 20
9 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 11
20 - ___ = 9
10 + ___ = 20
10 + ___ = 20
20 - ___ = 10
20 - ___ = 10
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 10th November
Date due back: Monday 17th November
Unit task: Begin to think about which celebration you are going to research for your ‘Celebration Box’ and make a start on it.
Optional extra: Write down what you would like to learn and enquire about during our unit on Celebrations.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly. You can also try to read and write the words listed below.
or - “Shut the door”
fork, sport, torch
ar - “Start the car”
card, farm, star
Optional extra: Write about a Celebration that you have enjoyed with your family.
Maths task: Can you find all the number bonds to 10 in the number search sheet
Optional extra: Fill out the table below.
9 + 1 = 10
1 + 9 = 10
10 - 1 = 9
10 - 9 = 1
8 + ___ = 10
2 + ___ = 10
10 - ___ = 8
10 - ___ = 2
7 + ___ = 10
3 + ___ = 10
10 - ___ = 7
10 - ___ = 3
6 + ___ = 10
4 + ___ = 10
10 - ___ = 6
10 - ___ = 4
5 + ___ = 10
5 + ___ = 10
10 - ___ = 5
10 - ___ = 5
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 3rd November
Date due back: Monday 10th November
Unit task: Can you fill out the ‘Reading a map’ sheet.
Optional extra: Can you draw your own map of a park nearby where you live and try to include a key.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly. You can also try to read and write the words listed below.
igh - “Fly high”
high, fright, light
oo - “Poo at the zoo”
moon, food, balloon
Optional extra: Using a library book or book from home, can you write a recount of what happens in the story.
Maths task: Complete the place value sheet.
Optional extra:
1000 + 100 + 30 + 4
| ||||
| |||||
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 27th October
Date due back: Monday 3rd November
Unit task: Imagine that you are going on a journey to a far away place. Write and/or draw what type of transport you will use and 3 tools you will use to help you get there.
Optional extra: Can you use Google Maps to find out where you live and where Asker International School is. If you want you can print a screen shot and stick it in your book.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly. You can also try to read and write the words listed below.
oo -” Look at the book”
look, book, cook
ow - “Blow the snow”
grow, snow, show
Optional extra: Can you write a recount about what you did over the weekend. Remember to write in the past tense and try use some time connectives.
Maths task: Complete the tens and units worksheet.
Optional extra:
For example:
889 → 80
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 20th October
Date due back: Monday 27th October
Unit task:
Use the ‘My Journey to School’ sheet to draw all the things that you see on your way to school. At the bottom of the page, you can write a list of the things you see.
Optional extra: Can you write a recount of how you get to school and try to use some time connectives, such as First, Then, Next, After that, and Finally.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly. You can also try to read and write the words listed below.
nk - “I think I stink.”
sank, pink, think
ay - “May I play?”
day, say, way
ee - “What can I see?”
green, see, tree
Optional extra: Can you make 9 golden sentences using the words listed above.
Maths task:
Complete the place value sheet in your book.
Optional extra: Complete the table below. Can you write the digits in the correct columns and the number sentence.
Number sentence
| |
152 =
100 + 50 + 2
114 =
| ||||
167 =
| ||||
234 =
| ||||
198 =
| ||||
241 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 20th October
Date due back: Monday 27th October
Unit task:
Use the ‘My Journey to School’ sheet to draw all the things that you see on your way to school. At the bottom of the page, you can write a list of the things you see.
Optional extra: Can you write a recount of how you get to school and try to use some time connectives, such as First, Then, Next, After that, and Finally.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly. You can also try to read and write the words listed below.
nk - “I think I stink.”
sank, pink, think
ay - “May I play?”
day, say, way
ee - “What can I see?”
green, see, tree
Optional extra: Can you make 9 golden sentences using the words listed above.
Maths task:
Complete the place value sheet in your book.
Optional extra: Complete the table below. Can you write the digits in the correct columns and the number sentence.
Number sentence
| |
152 =
100 + 50 + 2
114 =
| ||||
167 =
| ||||
234 =
| ||||
198 =
| ||||
241 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 13th October
Date due back: Monday 20th October
Unit task:
Draw a map of your bedroom and some of the things you keep in it.
Optional extra: Write labels for the things in your room and/or draw and label another room.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly.
z - “zig, zag, zig”
x - “cross down the arm and then the other.”
ch - “the horse sneezes when the caterpillar’s hair gets up his nose, achhoo.”
q - “round her head, up and then down her hair.”
ng - “a thing on a string.”
Optional extra: Sort the following words into two groups, key words (can sound out phonetically) and tricky words (cannot sound out phonetically). and, dad, mum, you, to, am, then, are, get, me, he, she, chin, jump, list, of, if, fit, fun, we, I, king, song, go, no, it.
Maths task:
Complete the table below. Write the numbers below in expanded form. The first two are done for you.
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Optional extra: Make some of your own place value problems to solve similar to the table above. You can even expand your number to the hundred’s. For example, 234 = 200 + 30 + 4
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 6th October
Date due back: Monday 13th October
Unit task:
Draw several pictures, in order of how they happened, showing us what you did during the holidays. You could also include some photos from your holiday.
Optional extra: Add a sentence for each picture, try to use recount vocabulary such as First, Next, Then and Finally.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly.
r - “Down the robot and over the arm.”
j - “Down his body, curl and a dot for his head.”
y - “Down the horn, up the horn and under his chin.”
v - “Down one wing and up the other.”
w - “ Down, up, down, up.”
Optional extra: Can you complete a book review for the book you have brought home for this week. You can draw pictures and/or write sentences.
Maths task:
Use the number line below to help you complete the subtraction problems below.
10 - 2 =
16 - 6 =
Optional Extras:
23 - 6 =
6 - 3 =
15 - 4 =
27 - 6 =
30 - 10 =
7 - 4 =
20 - 5 =
30 - 11 =
30 - 20 =
2 -2 =
20 - 14 =
28 - 14 =
30 - 30 =
10 - 6 =
17 - 9 =
21 - 7 =
29 - 18 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 22nd September
Date due back: Monday 6th October
Unit task:
As we are celebrating International Day this week, it would be great for you to find out a little bit about your home country. Draw a picture of the flag from your home country.
Optional extra:
Write 5 facts about your home country.
Literacy task:
Practise saying and writing the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly.
th - “The princess in the tower is rescued by the horse.”
h - “Down the horse, back up to the middle and over his back.”
l - “Down the long leg.”
sh - “shhhh says the horse to the hissing snake.
f - “Down the stem, and draw the leaves.”
Optional extra: Can you write your own “how to” book? Remember to include the title, what you will need and the steps.
Maths task:
Use the number line below to help you complete the Elmer Addition Number Sheet.
Optional extra:
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 15th September
Date due back: Monday 22nd September
Unit task: Make a friendship card for your allocated friendship buddy. Remember to include who it is for, a picture and your name.
Optional extra: Write an appreciation/compliment for your buddy.
Literacy task:
Practise the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and when you write the letters say the rhymes, that are written below, to help you form the letters correctly.
e - “Off with top and scoop under the egg.”
u - “Down, under the umbrella, up to the top and down to the puddle.”
b - “Down the boot, back up and around the toe.”
c - “Curl around the caterpillar.”
k - “Down the kangaroo, curl around the tail and kick.”
Optional extra: Can you write 10 golden sentences using only the words in your green phonics books. Remember that a golden sentence needs: a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces, use of phonics and punctuation at the end.
Maths task:
Use the number line below to help you work out the following
1 + 4 =
Optional Extra
2 + 6 =
17 - 6 =
2 + 5 =
13 + 9 =
2 + 3 =
29 - 5 =
1 + 8 =
22 - 7 =
4 + 3 =
19 + 8 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Apologies for the mistake in this weeks home learning - we accidentally created two labels that say 'Step 3' for the unit task. Please just cross one out and change the 3 to a 2.
Apologies for the mistake in this weeks home learning - we accidentally created two labels that say 'Step 3' for the unit task. Please just cross one out and change the 3 to a 2.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 8th September
Date due back: Monday 15th September
Unit task:
Cut out and stick the steps and pictures in the correct order for ‘How to wash your hands.’
Optional extra: You can write the instruction that goes with each picture and make sure you include a verb (doing word) to tell us what to do.
Literacy task:
Practise the new sounds we learned last week. Remember to write in lowercase, always starting at the top and use the rhymes to help you form the letters correctly.
i - “Down the insect, off with the pen and a dot for his head.”
n - “Down Neil and then over his net.”
p - “Down the plait and up round her head.”
g - “Round her face, down her hair and give her a curl”
o - “All around the orange.”
Optional extra: Make some words using all the letters we have used so far. See if you can write some sentences with these words.
Maths task:
Use the number line below to help you work out the following
1 more than 7 =
Optional Extra
2 more than 6 =
6 less than 10 =
2 more than 5 =
4 more than 13 =
2 less than 9 =
3 less than 9 =
1 less than 4 =
2 less than 20 =
2 more than 3 =
5 more than 4 =
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Grade 1 Home Learning
Date: Monday 1st September
Date due back: Monday 8th September
Unit task:
Draw a picture of a time you played with a friend.
Optional extra: Can you write a story telling us all about what you did with your friend.
Literacy task:
Can you practice writing all the sounds that we have learnt so far. Remember to write in lowercase and to use the rhymes to help you form the letters correctly.
Optional extra: You can make a list of words that have these sounds in them. Then write some sentences using these words.
m - down Maisie and mountain, mountain.
a - around the apple and down the leaf
s - curl around the snake
d - around the bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet
t - down the tower and across the turret
Maths task:
Can you write the numbers that are more or less than the following numbers.
Optional extra: Can you work out what is 5 more and 5 less?
2 less
1 less
1 more
2 more
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| ||||
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
1 Home Learning
Monday 25th
due back: Monday 1st
Can you write the
names and draw a picture of 3 of your new friends in Grade 1.
Can you write a list
of as many words that you can think of that start with; m, s
and d. Remember to write in lower case!
For example:
Can you write a
number line from 0 – 20. Can you write the even numbers in blue
and the odd numbers in red.
Please make sure that you read with your child everyday.
Week 1 - Home Learning
Date: Friday 22nd
to our unit of 'Friendship', we would like you to bring in something
special of yours to share with the class.
might be your favourite toy, a photo of someone or something you
love, something you won, etc.
Home Learning in Grade 1 -
In Grade 1, the children will receive their Home Learning on Monday and need to return it on the following Monday. Each week we will place the home learning here on the blog and also provide the children with a printed copy of what has been set for the week in their home learning book. They will also receive their Norwegian home learning on Monday and this too needs to be returned the following Monday.
In addition to this, the children will have a Phonics and Key Word book. This book will have the sounds and words that we have taught in Phonics over the week stuck inside. We ask that this book is brought into school on a Wednesday and we will return it to you on Friday. Can you please practice the sounds and key words with your children as this will help them with their development in reading and writing.
Please make sure that you are also regularly reading with your child and talking with them about their learning at school.
Thank you,
Miss Angie and Mr Brent